Days of Hell (1986)

$ 14.99

A crack team of mercenaries drops into the sun-scorched wastelands of Afghanistan on a suicide mission straight out of pulp fiction hell. Their objective: rescue a captured doctor and his daughter from the clutches of brutal rebel warlords. But what starts as a simple snatch-and-grab turns into a full-blown warzone as tanks roll in, choppers scream overhead, and every mountain pass becomes a death trap.

Strapped with machine guns, rocket launchers, and an endless supply of one-liners, these soldiers of fortune mow down wave after wave of enemy fighters in a nonstop barrage of blood, sweat, and bullet casings. Sand explodes, bodies fly, and no one’s getting out without a few scars and a whole lot of vengeance.

Directed by Tonino Ricci, the unhinged mind behind Rush and A Man Called Rage, this Italian action blast features Bruno Minniti, Werner Pochath, and Kiwako Harada chewing up the scenery and spitting hot lead. Packed with real stunts, big explosions, and a synth-drenched score that could melt your VHS head, this is pure Italian combat cheese at its finest.

  • 92 minutes
  • WIDESCREEN VERSION (non-anamorphic)
  • English audio sound with non-removable Japanese subtitles
  • DVD is NTSC format, Region 0 (region free) playable world wide
Also known as: I giorni dell'inferno, Rush 3, Afghanistan Connection

Directed by Tonino Ricci

Starring: Bruno Minniti, Kiwako Harada, Werner Pochath, Luciano Pigozzi, Richard Randall, Lawrence Richmond and Howard Ross



YouTube trailer is for preview purposes only. The actual DVD typically comes from a different source, with better picture quality and presented in widescreen if noted.

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