Indio 2: The Revolt (1991)
$ 14.99
t has been a few years since the events of the first film and all is peaceful in the jungle until Indio is shot point blank and killed by the evil head of the construction corporation. With Indio now out of the way, the corporation can continue to build the road through the Amazon and hires a gang of mercenaries to murder, massacre and enslave any local Indians who stand in the way.
When news of Indio's death reaches his of old friend Sgt. Iron (Marvelous Marvin Hagler), he heads back to the jungle seek revenge. Sgt. Iron helps unite the native tribes and teaches them guerrilla tactics for fighting and protecting their homes and families. Despite several set backs, Sgt. Iron gets a large enough number of tribesmen to band together and stand up against the evil corporation and its army of mercenaries.
Antonio Margheriti pulls all the right punches at just the right moments, and creates a very enjoyable viewing experience for one of his last films. The explosions, gunfire, and fist fights come in fast and furious, with gore included, all culminating into one of the most explosively epic battle scenes ever filmed.
- English audio soundtrack
- DVD is NTSC format, Region 0 (region free) playable world wide