Cobra Mission 2 (1989)
$ 14.99
The U.S. government sends an ex-soldier to a Central American country where he joins forces with freedom fighters to assassinate an evil dictator. He doesn't trust the government very much though since years before (the first Cross Mission film) they killed nearly everyone involved with his POW rescue mission in Vietnam.
The group manage to sneak into the dictator's compound, but discover that their target is not even there. It become obvious that there is a traitor within their ranks and soon find out that the entire mission was a setup conducted by the dictator to flush them out and kill them. The Vietnam vet still has a few tricks up his sleeve though and he's determined to make the dictator pays for the treachery with his life.
Having no actors returning from the original, Fabrizio De Angelis decided to produce this sequel instead and passed on the directing duties to Camillo Teti (producer of Exterminators of the Year 3000). With his jacked up physique, immovable hair, and sprayed on ten o’clock shadow, Brett Clark (Delta Force Commando) provides a humorous stone cold performance as the vet hero.
- 93 minutes
- WIDESCREEN VERSION (non-anamorphic)
- English audio sound with non-removable Japanese subtitles
- DVD is NTSC format, Region 0 (region free) playable world wide
YouTube trailer is for preview purposes only. The actual DVD typically comes from a different source, with better picture quality and presented in widescreen if noted.