Phantom Soldiers (1987)
$ 14.99
A squad of black-clad soldiers armed to the teeth and wearing gas masks storm a Vietnamese fishing village and mercilessly slaughter everyone in their path. After enough huts are ravaged in balls of flame, the evil platoon round the few remaining civilians at the edge of their villages beach to exterminate them promptly with nerve gas.
A Green Beret leads a team to track down these mysterious soldiers that are causing the rampant escalation in violence, but ends up getting captured by them in the process.
Meanwhile a Texas Ranger (No Dead Hero's Max Thayer) is leading a quite life away from the war when he receives a message that his brother, the Green Beret, is missing in action. He immediately springs into action and heads to the war torn jungles of Vietnam to stop the infamous heavily armed battalion and take back his captured sibling.
This ultra-violent exercise in exploitation is a colossal bloodbath with one of the biggest body counts in the Filipino-made Vietnam war film genre. Director Teddy Page utilizes every dollar of his budget to film his explosive action scenes that feature excellent cinematography and gunfight choreography.
- 96 minutes
- WIDESCREEN VERSION (non-anamorphic)
- English audio sound with non-removable Japanese subtitles
- DVD is NTSC format, Region 0 (region free) playable world wide