Pumaman (1980)
$ 14.99
The villainous Dr. Kobras (Halloween's Donal Pleasance) has in his possession a powerful gold Aztec mask with which he plans to control the minds of world leaders to execute his evil plans. However, he fears the interference of the elusive Pumaman, a "man-god" sired by aliens and who is the protector of the mask.
An Aztec priest, Vadinho, is determined to discover Pumaman so he can help him with his destiny of recovering the gold mask. Vadinho knows a few details of who the Pumaman might be and starts throwing guys out of high-rise windows all over London to see who survives and reveal the Pumaman's identity.
It is an American archaeologist Tony that survives a three-storey fall quite nicely and Vandinho bestows a magic belt on him that grants even more heroic powers of a puma: he can now fly, see in the dark, sense imminent danger, teleport, and use his hands like claws to tear metal.
It is now up to Pumaman with and his friend Vandinho to stop the evil Dr. Kobras plans and retrive the Aztec mask to keep the world safe.
- 97 minutes
- English audio sound with non-removable Japanese subtitles
- DVD is NTSC format, Region 0 (region free) playable world wide
YouTube trailer is for preview purposes only. The actual DVD typically comes from a different source, with better picture quality and presented in widescreen if noted.