Addiction, The (1995)
$ 14.99
A philosophy student with a sensitive view of human behavior is writing her essay to show the evil in men. She soon gets deeper involved in the dark side of humanity when pulled into an alley and bitten by a seductive female vampire.
Now her hunger for knowledge has become a hunger for blood, and no one is safe. The city has become one enormous dining room and with the help of a master vampire, she becomes uncontrollably drawn into a world of violence with her insatiable cravings for human blood.
Abel Ferrara's moody vampire tale makes fascinating statements on sin and redemption, spirituality and the nature of good and evil. Great acting, an intriguing philosophical screenplay, and amazing black and white photography help create one of the most accomplished vampire films ever filmed.
- 82 minutes
- black and white
- WIDESCREEN VERSION (non-anamorphic)
- English audio soundtrack
- DVD is NTSC format, Region 0 (region free) playable world wide
YouTube trailer is for preview purposes only. The actual DVD typically comes from a different source, with better picture quality and presented in widescreen if noted.